
I want to get away..

I don´t know why but come fall I always start craving a getaway from everyday life.
 It just  seems stupid to me to leave Iceland during those precious few months when we actually have daylight, so my ideal summer is spent traveling around my beautiful country as much as possible. However my ideal fall/winter would be spent traveling to interesting cities and faraway beaches(preferrably with a cocktail in hand).
 When I start thinking about traveling my mind automatically wanders off to Paris. In my heart Paris is (and always will be) like  my second home and I discover something new each time I go there. Maybe it is because I have family roots in France or maybe this admiration of the city of love is built upon fond memories from my time spent there as a child. No matter the reason I always look forward to going back "home".
Unfortunately I have no trip to Paris planned for the near future, but in a little more than a week I will be in Copenhagen, paying a long overdue visit to some friends. Can´t wait!

A picture from my last trip to Paris - My favourite bakery in Le quartier Latin



I was here

So, obviously I´m not very good at this blogging thing, still I will stubbornly keep this little blog going, because even though I might not update it all that often it is comforting to know that it exists  That this blog is something that is all mine, an outlet to share the things that inspire me and bring me joy. So I hope if anyone out there has had the patience to follow my poorly updated blog, that you will stick around.
I stumbled upon this wonderful video with Beyoncé on Youtube the other day. She performed her song I was here  at the United Nations for World Humanitarian day, which was on august 19th.
 I adore this song, it carries such a beautiful message and the lyrics are so inspiring. Of course everyone wants to be remembered, to leave a mark for the world to see. It is important to remember that you don´t need a grand gesture to do something good for another person. Sometimes small, random acts of kindness can have more impact. So even though World humanitarian day has passed, I will strive to do good things for those around me in every day life, and hope to leave a footprint in the sands of time.  

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