
Beautiful books

                                                                 Hi guys, 
I love the Penguin publishing house´s beautiful illustrated books. The illustrations below are by illustrator Ruben Toledo.The books that were illustrated for this collection are all longtime classics,  for example Bram Stoker´s Dracula and  Jane Austen´s Pride and prejudice. These books look more like paintings than book covers, to be displayed proudly where they can be seen All.The.Time! 

and my personal favorite ....

Have a great day, 



Music on a Monday: Love, Interruption

Hey guys,

I had a wonderful weekend filled with family time and with friends, just as I like it. 
 Jack White is among my favorite musicians and this song is one of my favorite songs by him.I think the lyrics are so powerful and tell a story of how love can drive you mad. 

Have a great week! 


life on instagram

Hi guys, 
Here is my life the past few days according to instagram. I´ve had a busy week at school with some fun moments in between.

A much deserved beer and my new favorite purse

found the cutest peplum skirt in Topshop

my roommate found this ant eater at ILVA. Would it be weird if we kept him as a pet/apartment mascot?

Looove the flower printed leather jacket. I saw it somewhere online but now I can´t remember where

Cosy family night. Did my sisters hair while watching tv. Talk about multitasking!

Green is supposedly the it color of the summer. Count me in!

I am obsessed with peplum these days. Love this peplum lace top!

Started my day (yesterday) with a little coffee pick me up. Lovely

Have a great weekend!


Pretty as a picture

Hi guys, 
Just some pretty pictures that I´ve found here and there around the internet. 

Love the screen shot from Romy and Michele´s high school reunion, It used to be my allt time favourite movie. And it would be seriously cool to have the globe lanterns hanging from the ceiling of my bedroom. 




Hi guys, 
Im not very much of a basics person, my wardrobe contains primarily loud eye catching pieces and even my basics have some sort of twist ( black velvet pants anyone? I live in mine these days - So comfy but still looks pulled together), but here is a list of what I think are must have basics:

1. basic trench coat

Because it goes with anything and adds instant polish to any outfit. I have one with leather sleeves that I use a lot during the summer.

2. black  trousers   

I usually never wear trousers. Im more of a skirts and dresses kind of girl. But I live in Iceland and therefore I have to be realistic. My favourite pair ( which I consider to be a basic in my wardrobe) are these wonderful velvet pants.

3. Nude pumps 

This is the exact pair that I have. They are so ladylike and I love to pair them with navy blue items in my wardrobe ( of that, I have plenty) 

4. Red lipstick 

One swipe of fiery red lipstick can fix anything. My ultimate life saver!

4.A blazer 

I love blazer jackets. They work with anything and make any outfit more sophisticated. 

5. ballet flats

I am a heels girl at heart, but in some circumstances a pretty flat shoe is essential ( travelling etc.) 

6.pretty ( and matching) underwear 

In my opinion, pretty underwear is an essential basic and important to any outfit. Even though nobody will see it, it adds confidence.

7. a kickass pair of sunglasses 

Instantly makes you cooler and paired with red lipstick, it´s all I need to feel good about myself!

8. a nice perfume 

I think the perfume you wear is just as personal as your handwriting. I wear perfume everyday, and even different according to what mood I´m in.

Have a great day


Music on a Monday: Tom Waits

Hi guys

I grew up around all kinds of music, and music(or musical education as my father calls it) was a big part of my upbringing. Now I don´t mean learning to play instruments, but learning to appreciate music. This is probably the reason that my musical tastes are as diverse as they are, I love everything from old school rock to jazz to blues to rap and I am very open minded about new kinds of music. But part of that was teaching me to appreciate truly talented and creative artists. One of those, and one that always stood out for me is Tom Waits. I really like his rough whiskey voice, the lyrics to his songs are original and witty and the music is so soulful that it give chills right in to the bone. This is one of my favorite songs of his. Enjoy!

Have a great week!


Inspiration: Frida Kahlo

Hey guys,
Frida Kahlo is one of my biggest inspirations in life, and on so many levels. Her art, her style, her story. I did my final essay in an arts history class on Frida Kahlo and I really enjoyed learning about her, she was such an extraordinary woman. Frida lived a life filled with pain and suffering,which would have caused many to give up, but always kept going. I really enjoy her work, her paintings are drenched with emotion and you can really see the pain, suffering, sadness and all the heartbreak represented in her work. A critic once noted that Frida´s paintings were like her personal diary, which I guess could be right since her paintings largely portray her life and her state of mind.
It has just been announced that the Frida Kahlo museum (which is in the house where she lived, the Casa Azul) are planning an exhibition, showing a collection of Frida´s clothing(among other things). I guess I´ll have to go to mexico then! 

Have a great weekend 


Instagram birthday

Hi guys,

This is what the weather looked like on my birthday last wednesday, taken through the window of my favorite coffee shop (If you don´t treat yourself on your birthday, when can you?)
The weather might not have been all that great, but I had a wonderful day.
Went out to dinner with my family and even got a phone call from my wonderful family in France. Here is my birthday week in instagram photos! 

Me and my sis at the restaurant. Isn´t she pretty? 

Birthday dinner: mushroom ravioli and red wine at my favorite restaurant

tropical coffee

Saw this amazing jacket at Topshop the day after my birthday 

The perfect match: magazines and coffee

My favourite : Danish Elle 

Hope your last week was as good as mine was!



Every day is hat day

Today is national hat day in the United States. So for those of you currently living (or staying there), happy hat day! In my own opinion every day is hat day, no matter where you live (even in Iceland where it is pretty much windy every single day). 

So, happy hat day everyone! 


movie night: clé des champs

Hi guys,
Last Saturday I was hanging around at my parents and we didn´t quite know what we wanted to do, so dad and I decided to go to the movies. The french cinema festival started last friday so it was only right to pick a french movie. We decided on the film La clé des champs. Such a beautiful film! There is no actual storlyline,the film is more like a David Attenborough wildlife film, but with the eyes and wonderment of a child. There are really no words good enough to describe this movie. It brought me so much peace,just watching life in the pond, where the film primarily takes place, no distractions,there isn´t even any dialogue in the film. Just nature and the childhood memories bound to it. 

go see it! 



music on a monday : Koop

Hey guys,  
My friend Katrín  introduced my to this band  last summer. Their music is very soothing and comforting. Just perfect for grey, rainy Mondays just like this January seems to be filled with! Check out their song Island blues here below
Happy monday everyone !

Have a great week



Hey guys!
When I saw The September issue  earlier this fall there was one character that really stood out to me: Grace Coddington.
 She is the creative director of American Vogue, working along side the famous and highly influential Anna Wintour. I really enjoyed seeing her in The September issue, her style and artistic vision is so inspiring and I think I would really like her, if we were ever to meet in real life. Grace published a memoir in November, which I can´t wait to read!

A young Grace Coddington, on the cover of British Vogue. 

Grace today  

Can´t wait to get my hands on this book!!!

Have a great day 



Hey guys!
It´s my Birthday today! Can´t wait to spend it with my family.  
 In December I decided to hop on the Apple bandwagon and get an Iphone  (maybe also due to peer pressure as most of my friends had all gotten one and having so much fun with their instagram,foursquare and all the different apps...so I got a little curious to see what all the fuss was about) . I got and older model, the 3S and I am very pleased, the phone has served me well and I think it´s just as nice as the newer models (that I have gotten to try for myself). Anyways I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my first snapshots from Instagram. I´m hooked!


  1.          Christmas lights outside my parents house
  2.  My lovely sister and father out at dinner for his birthday 
  3.   A cool book I found - astrology for the shoe addict 
  4.   My kind of fashion - love this feature in the December edition of Glamour. 
  5.  Love this pretty green outfit, perfect to brighten up a dull winter´s day 
  6.  Walked past the frozen pond in early december where a hockey practice was taking place. I love Reykjavík!
  7.  My dear friend Sigga, striking a pose
  8.  My sister and I getting excited over the Christmas wrapping paper. 
  9. Me, my mother and sister on New Years eve 

And last but not least.....

.... A photo I took monday morning when the sun was coming up, first time I have been awake this early in a month! I am really embracing the fact that life is finally back in it´s usual routine after the holiday festivities.

Have a great day!
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