
Family time in France

    So, I went to Paris a couple of weeks ago and thought I´d share some pictures  with you guys. We stayed with my grandparents , who live in a small village right outside of Paris. We joined  the rest of the family to celebrate my grandfather´s 90th birthday. That´s  not something that happens everyday !

Man of the hour : my grandfather Robert, celebrating his 90th birthday, he looks well doesn´t he ?

The amazing "gateux chocolat" my mother baked for the occasion

my pretty sister (apparently deep in thought)

We decided it would be  too much to try and pile 90 candles
on top of the cake ,  so we got one  big one

my darling sister at the restaurant where we celebrated

:) my cousin Ewen trying on his aunt´s leather jacket
 - along with our wonderful waiter

Ray Charles has arrived!

The view over Paris (you can see the Eiffel tower in the distance)
from my grandparent´s home

The lovely old village

And at last: my grandparents just after they started dating (Yes, this is my finger in the bottom corner, we didn´t have a scanner). This is such a romantic photo!

Might post photos from Paris soon

- A


cool girl alert : Emma Watson

I´m a part of the generation that grew up reading  the Harry Potter books  and later watching the films ( I´m such a Harry Potter fanatic, I honestly can´t get enough), so I grew up watching Emma Watson play the  role of clever witch Hermoine Granger. Hermoine was my hero growing up, and I looked up to her, she was so strong! Today I  really admire Emma, how she has grown out of her role as a child star, and seemingly made an effortless transition into a fashion icon. Especially how she has forced everyone to stop viewing her only as  Hermoine Granger, by reinventing her own look.I must say that was a smart move!
Among some of  the projects she has done as "the new Emma" are ad campaigns for Burberry, Chanel and a perfume ad  for Lancome  (now that has got to be every girl´s dream).
 But what i love most about her has to be that she seems so grounded, in spite of growing up famous. I think it´s really impressive that she is making sure to get an education, even though she probably has enough money already to last her a lifetime.
She is amazing , and I can´t wait to see what she will do in the future

Burberry ad campaign: boy would I just love to have these three by my side !

these pics  are maybe just a little more edgy ...

on the cover of elle


I really like her amazing new haircut, makes her look so much more grown up

LOVE that outfit!

Lancome  perfume ad - love her makeup

I just can´t get over how wonderful she is !!!

lots of love

- A


Culture night

Hello there,

Just got back home yesterday, after a wonderful and relaxing week  with family in France.
Now I have an exciting weekend ahead of me  as tomorrow is culture night here in Reykjavík.
Culture night , or Menningarnótt as it is called in Iceland is a full day packed with art related events ending with a fireworks display in the evening, right before midnight. There will be concerts, art exhibitions and a couple of outdoor ( and indoors) fleamarkets that I know of.
I will likely be participating in a fleamarket at Faktory bar from 13 - 17, so if anyone is looking for new clothes, I can promise that I have some juicy stuff I´m  looking to get rid off !
Tomorrow is also the official inauguration of Harpa, the new conference and concert center.
Have a happy Culture night in Reykjavík guys. I´ll post pics from Paris after the weekend 

Happy weekend!


P.S. If you´re in Reykjavík for Culture night I reccomend that you check out unseen and unheard in the Nordic house from 17 - 19. My friend Katrín Braga will be showcasing a video project collaboration between her and Rakel, the singer of icelandic band Útidúr.



I Love....shoes

Now that fall is approaching us fast (the first weekend of august usually marks the end of summer in the minds of Icelanders), I have begun to dream about the perfect shoes to get me through the winter. Now the perfect shoes would preferably be sturdy enough for the icelandic winter weather, yet pretty enough to wear to the bar or to go out dancing (me in stilettos + icy streets = NOT a good combination) in the winter months.
Here are a couple of  lovely shoes  I´m lusting after for this winter, that fit my winter shoe needs.

Vagabond beauties, would definitely brighten up a dull  winter

I like boots that are a bit tough, like the Vagabond and the Dr. Martens above. Oh how I must own a pair of Dr. Martens.

I would consider selling my soul for these Alexander Wang boots, basically any Alexander Wang boots!
I seriously considered spending my life savings on these below :

I really think I might need another job....
lots of love 

- A


this just in : topshop side slit maxi skirt

I  was at the Smáralind mall the other day scouting the sales, trying to find a birthday present for my sister, when I saw this in Topshop:

Needless to say it was love at first sight: the length, the colour and the sexy yet demure side - slits
I had to have it!
Of course I am such a sensible shopper that I go into a shop full of items on sale, and find that the only thing that  interests me  is full price. hmm such a sensible girl aren´t I ? 
Well at least I will put this skirt to good use, and might even do an outfit post! 

lots of love 



Countdown to Airwaves: Of monsters and men

I am so glad fall is almost here, not that I am especially thrilled about the cold rainy weather that will be descending on us any day now, but because fall means the arrival of my favorite event, the Iceland Airwaves music festival  which is held in October every year . Last year I went to the festival for the first time, and oh boy did I have the time of my life! I am so excited to be going again this year, actually I think I have been looking forward to it since the final day of the festival last october ( I already bought my ticket in june).
The other day I got this idea, to do a countdown to the festival over the course of the next two months leading up to the festival, each post will be about an artist or a band that I would like to see perform at the festival. So you can expect a lot of fun over the next  two months.
FIRST UP! ...  Icelandic band Of monsters and men!

This band won the Músíktilraunir band contest (almost like an Icelandic Battle of the bands) in 2010.
I love their song "Little talks"  and I am hoping to see them perform that amazing song at the Iceland Airwaves, I get goosebumps every time I hear it!!! This song has actually become wildly popular in Iceland, as well as receiving international recognition.
Of monsters and men are  also set to release an album in september, one month prior to the Icelandic Airwaves festival. I will buy their album as soon as it´s out.
They are truly worth the attention I will be there to hear them play at  Iceland Airwaves!
here  is their website.

 have a listen!:

so are any of you going to Airwaves? do you already have your ticket? 
P.S. If you want to find out more about icelandic music check this out !

lots of love 
- A


Paris ..finally !

So Im finally here !!!
 Its so good to see  the family again ,  I cant believe its been 3 years ! Tomorrow is my grandfathers 90th birthday  and we are gonna have a big dinner with all the family. The trip here went pretty fast as I slept almost all the way through the flight,  I did not get much sleep last night as it took me forever to decide what to pack, I guess I am a little too emotionally attached to my clothes ( I must say, I am quite proud of myself. I dont think I have ever managed to pack this light!).
This summer has been all work and no play for me, so I am really looking forward to a couple of days relaxing and doing nothing. Just stuffing my face with delicious french food and catching up with family (and of course there will probably be a little shopping too). I will probably try too keep up with the posting while I´m away (although that might prove to be a little difficult as I dont have constant access to the internet) and those of you going to the  Iceland Airwaves  festival next October, keep an eye out here on the blog ;)

And yes! of course I will be stuffing my face with these lovelies for the whole entire time :D

And of course loads and loads of yummy goat´s cheese, preferably with baguette bread

.....I´ll probably be overweight when I get back home 

Au revoir 

- A


This just in : fringe boots

Just bought these amazing boots on sale at Topshop the other day
loving them, they´re very comfy
What do you guys think?

   - A


Food adventures : links

What better way to kick off  a new  week than with a few fun and adventurous recipes?
I can´t think of many ( except maybe for shopping)

I really want to:

Picture belongs to davidlebovitz.com

  • Learn how to make whipped cream out of coconut milk at The Kitchn blog  Perfect for vegetarians or those who can´t eat dairy 

picture via

    picture via

    •  Créme Brúlée is my all time favourite dessert . This  Créme brúlée french toast can´t possibly go wrong! Yep definitely gotta try this one
    Picture is from Smitten kitchen

    • If there is one thing I love more than coffee in this world , it´s chocolate. And nuts. Together in blissful harmony. That is why I love Nutella. So I´m kind of obligated to try this recipe for  Homemade nutella
    picture via

    Happy cooking !
    Lots of love


    Gay Pride

    Today is the Gay Pride Parade here in Reykjavík, Iceland.
    The parade starts at  14:00 and you can see the route of the parade plus what will be happening throughout the day here ! I reccomend everyone currently in Reykjavík to be there( be there or be square), the atmosphere on this day is amazing. And the parade is something everyone has to see,
    for such a small country we really have the most amazing  pride parade.

     picture via

    Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
    -- Maya Angelou

    Happy Gay Pride weekend everyone 
    and have fun!



    The accidental shopper

    So, I kind of promised myself I wouldn´t shop until I got to Paris ( yes :) this time next week I will be in Paris. )
    But today being my only day off from work I went downtown to meet up with some friends...and kind of broke that promise. Multiple times. I actually think I might have a problem. Well at least I know I´m addicted to maxi skirts,  I have them in every colour of the rainbow. They´re just perfect for the winter in Iceland so I´ve kind of been collecting them.
    We were just going to have a look into some of our favourite vintage shops, and I "accidentally" ended up with a full bag of clothes and a necklace. I´m very happy with what I bought, but I probably won´t be doing any shopping in Paris after all....well more time for all the pastries and cakes then :D And sightseeing!

    Will post pictures of my vintage finds later

    This will be me in one weeks time :)



    Cool girl alert ! : Florence Welch

    One of the celebrities  I admire the most is Florence Welch from Florence and the Machine.
    She is one of my favourite artists and my style inspiration. She has such  amazing style. Every single time I come across a picture of  her it just takes my breath away and  I wish I wish I had her amazing clothes. And the stage costumes! Oh the stage costumes!
     She is just the ultimate cool girl. I will let the pics speak for themselves

    love love love the feathers 

    here she is wearing a gorgeous Gucci stage costume 

    P.S. I remember when I was younger  I  wanted so badly to be a redhead,  I thought it was much cooler than plain  blonde or brunette :) I still love red hair! So pretty !


    Pictures are from :  Stylebistro  Style bungalow   lestylejournal  and style.mtv.com among others found through  google picture search.
    No copyright infringement intended
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