
music on a monday: Until we bleed

Happy Monday  guys!

Hope you´ve had a great weekend and that your week will be even better!



Music on a monday: Dustin O´Halloran

Hey guys!
Happy monday
This song always makes me happy, brings back memories of Airwaves ´11 :)

Have a great week!


Mary Katrantzou AW2012

Hey guys
I think I´ve found my new favourite designer!
 I am absolutely in love with the  AW2012 collection from Mary Katrantzou. 
especially love this dress:

and this one:

and this one, ahh I´m in love!!!

Can they all come live with me please?

have a great weekend


Funny pic of the day

Hey guys!
I love the pictures from the English muse blog.
Found this one while browsing the other day, probably from the set of Marie Antoinette
Two time periods in one picture, love it!

The english muse blog

Have a great day you guys



Yay it´s friday! The weekend is finally here! These past few weeks has been crazy busy at school, so even if I am working all weekend I am so glad to be able to sleep in, and have a relaxed, stress- free weekend. Here are a few things making my life more fun these days:

An excuse to bake more

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really want this eiffel tower cookie jar from Urban Outfitters - maybe it will inspire me to bake more

 Black and white photography


Love these wonderful pictures taken by french photographer Robert Doisneu.

Caramel tea
Bought a box of caramel tea when I was visiting my grandparents last summer. I am completely hooked, and have even switched it out for my morning coffee.
Chocolate makes everything better! Hot chocolate, pralines, double chocolate ice cream.....
I really want to try a recipe for chocolate soufflés I found on the internet ( and that also gives me an excuse to buy the really cute ramekins)
Have a great weekend everyone !


interior inspiration

Hey guys,
Hope you had a great weekend!
I missed my weekly music on a monday post yesterday  but I´m making it up today!
For the last couple of weeks I´ve been looking for ways to change my space (and how to decorate when I´m living on my own again). So I took to the blogs. Here are a few pics that inspire me when it comes to decorating the home.

Picture via Little Plastic horses

How cool would it be to have this bathroom? You can even see Iceland in the upper left corner !

Picture via Belle Maison

Such a beautiful idea, and would fit perfectly in my dream kitchen. 

picture via English Muse

 I grew up in a family where everyone reads a lot, so to me a house is not a home until you have a couple of book cases crammed with books. Besides I feel that I can get to know a lot about a person by the books they like to  read. This bookcase both looks wonderful  and  practical as you save space by having it built around the door.

Absolutely my dream bathroom, it looks so romantic.
When I look at this picture I instantly envision myself living in a loft apartment in Paris and this is my bathroom... If only

Have a great week guys
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